While court marriage may seem less glamorous than traditional marriages, the biggest reason that couples opt for court marriage is its inexpensiveness. In India, couples of all nationalities, religions, and castes may legally marry and register their marriage via a simple process performed by a marriage Registrar and 3 (three) witnesses. While the final day process is simple, the administrative work and paperwork may be a struggle, which is where Takelegal.in will help you.
Once we receive your intent of availing our Court Marriage service through the form on this page, our representative will contact you for further information and to choose the nearest court at your convenience. Following that, Takelegal.in’s representative will file the notice as required under the law, on your behalf.
Takelegal.in’s representative will arrange a mutually agreeable time and date for you, your spouse, and the witnesses to meet at the marriage Registrar’s office to finalize the paperwork. Once the marriage is finalized, our representative will also help you submit a notice of intention to marry at the office.
By practice, within 30 (thirty) days of publication of the notice, the marriage Registrar will publish the notice and request objections to the proposed marriage. If an objection is lodged, the Registrar will rule on it after the parties have had a chance to state their case. If the objections are valid, the marriage cannot be legally consummated. However, an appeal against the Registrar’s decision may be brought in the district court, where Takelegal.in will help you should you choose to avail our services.
If no objections are raised or if raised objections are eliminated within the next 30 (thirty) days of the publication, you and your spouse, together with the same 3 (three) witnesses, will have to appear before the marriage Registrar to sign a declaration and have the marriage solemnized.
The marriage Registrar will issue a marriage certificate upon signing of declaration. The parties and the witnesses must also sign the certificate.
To receive your marriage registration and certificate at the earliest, Takelegal.in advises you to submit the following documents to us:
Proof of birth of both parties.
In addition to the documents listed above, it is also advised that you submit the following documents on behalf of each of your witnesses:
Court marriages have numerous advantages to them, making them a good option for couples. Court marriages are:
Yes. According to the Special Marriage Act of 1954, there is no prohibition against two persons of different faiths seeking a court marriage. As a result, inter-religious weddings are legally recognized via a court marriage.
The court marriage procedure begins when the notice of intended marriage is submitted at the marriage Registrar’s office. After filing the said notice, the parties must wait 30 (thirty) days for the marriage Registrar to post the notice in his office and solicit objections. If no one objects, you can get married by going to the marriage Registrar’s office on the 31st day or any other convenient date within the next 3 (three) months
Before petitioning for a court marriage, the bride and groom must meet the following eligibility requirements:
Both parties must be legally sound in terms of age and mental capacity – the bride must be at least 18 years old, and the groom
Yes, you may get police protection, only after obtaining a court marriage certificate.
No. As a matter of practice, court marriages can be solemnized at the marriage Registrar’s office in the district where either of the parties to the marriage has resided for at least 30 (thirty) days prior to filing the notice of intention of marriage.